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  • Book
    Yelda Özsunar, Utku Șenol, editors.
    Summary: This book presents and analyzes clinical cases of brain tumors and follows the classification provided by the WHO in 2016. After introductory chapters reviewing the international literature on the topic, the advances made in all imaging modalities (especially Magnetic Resonance and Computed Tomography) are examined. All radiological findings are supplemented with a wealth of images and brief explanations. The clinical information is given as part of the case discussion, as are the characteristics and differential diagnosis of the tumors. Radiologic-pathologic correlations round out the description of each clinical case. Intended as a quick and illustrative reference guide for radiology residents and medical students, this atlas represents the most up-to-date, practice-oriented reference book in the field of Brain Tumor Imaging.

    Part I: General Considerations in Brain Tumors
    1: Pathology, Epidemiology, and WHO Classification of Brain Tumors
    1.1 Epidemiology and Pathology of the Central Nervous System Tumors
    1.2 An Overview of the WHO Classifications of Tumors of the Central Nervous System
    1.3 Major Differences of WHO 2016 Classification
    1.4 Diagnostic Algorithm Based on the 2016 CNS Tumor Classification
    1.4.1 Diffuse Astrocytic and Oligodendroglial Tumors
    1.4.2 Medulloblastomas
    1.5 Advantages and Challenges of the 2016 CNS Tumor Classification References
    2: When and How to Use Imaging in Brain Tumors, Protocols
    2.1 Introduction
    2.2 When to Use Imaging
    2.2.1 Diagnosis
    2.2.2 Preoperative Planning
    2.2.3 Intraoperative Imaging
    2.2.4 Postoperative Imaging
    2.2.5 Follow-Up Imaging Pseudoprogression Radiation Necrosis Pseudoresponse
    2.3 Evaluating Treatment Response
    2.3.1 Response Assessment in Neuro-Oncology: High-Grade Glioma (RANO-HGG)
    2.3.2 Other RANO Criteria
    2.4 Imaging Protocol
    2.4.1 Contrast Use
    2.5 Conclusion
    References 3: Pearls in Conventional Imaging Methods for Brain Tumors
    3.1 Pearl #1: As You Work to Practice and Improve Your Diagnostic and Interpretative Skills (the "What"), Seek Also to Learn About the Underlying Physics (the "How") and History of Our Specialty (the "Why")
    3.2 Pearl #2: The Process of Image Interpretation to Generate Differential Diagnoses Is Largely an Exercise in Pattern Recognition, Which in the Case of Brain Tumors, Begins with Accurate Anatomic Localization 3.3 Pearl #3: Don't Mistake Edema for Tumor-Or Tumor for Edema-On CT or T2-Weighted Images and Be Wary of Interpreting Vasogenic Edema ("Leaky BBB") Without Pathologic Enhancement ("Intact BBB")
    3.4 Pearl #4: Remember Not to Overestimate the Significance of Post-contrast Images, Which Inform Us About Blood-Brain Barrier Integrity, But Are Often Less Dispositive Than Structural Findings on CT/T2 3.5 Pearl #5: The Truest Measure of the Value of Your Radiology Report Is Whether It Guides Patient Care in the Correct Direction, Not Whether It Includes the Final Pathological Diagnosis Somewhere in the Text
    4: Diffusion, Perfusion, and PET Imaging of Brain Tumors
    4.1 Introduction
    4.2 Diffusion
    4.3 Perfusion
    4.4 PET Imaging
    4.4.1 Tissue Signatures Through Nosologic Imaging
    4.5 Conclusion
    5: Role of Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy in Clinical Management of Brain Tumors
    5.1 Introduction
    5.1.1 Basic Principles
    Digital Access Springer 2020